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Concept  |   Interface design   |   Multimedia & visual creation   |   Web design corporate  
Online Database   |   E-commerce solutions   |   Business-to-Business  
Online events, communities, publications   |   Search engine optimization

Search engine submissions

First of all, after the accomplishment of a website, you need to submit it into the search engines. Among the most used international search engines are: Yahoo, Google, Altavista, Lycos, Hotbot.

These search engines are based on huge databases conceived on several information indexation criterias. The volume of these databases has recently increased a lot because many site owners added their websites freely, because of the many users of these search engines.

Search engine optimization

The functioning of the search engines is based on finding several keywords (given by the user) in these large databases. The results are displayed as fragments of the sites which were subscribed to the search engine with those specific keywords, and a link to that site.

Search engines have diversified their options lately, allowing the search of other data formats within the sites in their databases (images, sounds, movies etc), and in several languages and domains. The order of the result displaying is given by several criterias, whose interactivity settles the relevance of the returned sites for the searched keywords.

These criterias are, in order of their importance:

  • The site’s submission keyword
  • Date of submission
  • The frequency of the searched keyword in the titles of the site’s pages
  • The frequency of the searched keyword in the tags of the site’s pages
  • The frequency of the searched keyword in the titles within the site’s pages
  • The requency of the searched keyword in the texts of the site’s pages
  • The number of the site’s hits from the search engine
  • Search Engine Optimization (to allow the search engines to include the site as relevant as possible)
  • The number of site’s views
  • The way and the category the site was submitted to
  • Whether it was submitted for free or a fee was paid for that (which ensures a top displaying for the paid period of time)

Sites re-enlistment is updated quite often, so, based on the above mentioned criterias, the display order for a keyword is updated very often. In order to have your site optimally listed in the search engines, and to constantly be found within among the first sites in its category, it needs a quality enlistment.

BizarNet offers you this quality, which you can test online by looking for the keywords our site was submitted with to the search engines. Access the software connected to our website to analyze the data.

user: demo
pass: test1

Here you can analyze the search engines from which our website is accessed and the frequency of the keywords to be found by those search engines.

For details regarding our web development services we invite you to contact us through the Contact form, or fill in a project analysis form.

Concept  |   Interface design   |   Multimedia & visual creation   |   Web design corporate  
Online database   |   E-commerce solutions   |   Business-to-Business  
Online events, communities, publications   |   Search engines optimization



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