About BizarNet
- BizarNet has recently increased the ONE WAY satellite stream, thus
getting among the first 10 ONE WAY services in the world from the point
of view of capacity. Our bandwidth
management allows us to trully offer a real 75-80 % percentage of the
bandwidth available to each customer. A full story will be available within a few days, after
completing the web site redesign.
- BizarNet scheduled at the end of April the release of the long awaited
based management interface for end users and resellers. This will
offer many features to all levels, from the end customer to the resellers
- BizarNet will launch his VoIP services very soon, operated probably on
the most robust VoIP Platform in the world. Good prices, always
available, low bandwidth required, working over any internet link, these
are only a few of the features available right from the beginning
- BizarNet is your business partner for many services including:
wireless equipment, ONE WAY and TWO WAY satellite internet, VoIP, web
design, web hosting, security, firewall and bandwidth shaping solutions,
e-mail and proxy software, etc.
Our plans for the future seek to make use of a lot of energy and diligence.
we are planning to focus on offering internet access at reasonable prices for
our Romanian and East-European clients.
We are aware that a company's most valuable asset is the company staff. Their diligence reflects
in the company's efficiency, their work reflects in the company's strenght, their intelligence
is a proof for the future, and their welfare shows the company to be successful.
We are continuously searching for diligent and skillful associates willing to cooperate with us.
We support persons and small companies in their development while our interests are the same.
We are also offering support to any body corporate and small companies with similar interests.
Good luck!
Bogdan Florin
Power Soft ltd
- BizarNet it is preparing to launch four One Way platforms. (details)
- We are preparing the launch of our own Two Way satellite Internet Service
- We are preparing the launch of the Content Delivery on top of the present DVB Platform
BizarNet – first steps to global presence
BizarNet it is preparing to launch four one way platforms immediately.
The Location of the new platforms is: Sweden, Hong Kong, Italy, Germany.
Sweden platform located at Solna will delivery service to Europe, Nord Africa and little bit of Middle East.
Hong Kong platform will deliver service to East part of Africa, Full Middle East, Pakistan and India.
Itally platform it will be located in Torino and will cover South America.
Germany platform located near Boon will cover Full Africa with C band and subsaharian africa in KU band.
In next 3 months it is scheduled lauch of two new platforms in Greece and Perth.
Greece platform will cover with one way services the hole Greece Islands and Mediteranean.
Perth (australian platform) will cover full Asia and Malaesya.
The own designed DVB Platform made by our team it alows us to expand very easy and smoth keping the management and the mainteance under controll worldwide.
Two Way Small ISP
BizarNet has previously co-operated with some of the largest companies in this field, within the last few years. Unfortunately, the bigger the company is, the worse are its arisen problems. We learned from this experience and we decided to launch our own Two Way Service, called Small ISP. This service will soon be able to meet the demands of Internet and quality services of any network made of one up to 1000 computers. And the prices will be very flexible as well. More than that, to increase its power, you will be able to combine the One Way service with the Two Way service Small ISP. Other features, like firewall, special bandwidth strategy or personalised demands will be easier to be accessed.
We have not yet decided the launching date of this new service, due to its complexity and because some of the problems are unpredictable.
Content Delivery Platform
Content delivery is a one way service whose main role is "to deliver". Some services run within a Content Delivery Platform, such as: File Delivery, IP Streaming, Distance Learning, Remote Controll, Special internet browsing, Video on demand, Email off line, Advertisment delivery. All these services offer to the one who uses it a great management power and we belive that it will be highly used into the close future, after the customers will understand its power and utility.
File delivery - allows you to deliver a file, at a high satellite speed, to a number of users which can be previously specified. This file can be a software, an update, a service pack, a video file, audio file, any file, of any size.
IP streaming - allows the users to receive a program including at same time: VIDEO, AUDIO, FILE DELIVERY, TEXT
Distance learning - allows the users to follow a distance learning course and to interact with the other students as soon as they will use an uplink facility.
Remote control - it is an extremely powerfull service acting as a trigger, for example when a file with a special content is created somewhere on the HDD, the computer should react in a special manner, and etc, there are unlimited posbilities to create such scenarios. For example, a headquarter bank which wants to send information to all its branches and partners will use such a service, and the receivers are only required to have the unexpensive equipment and the link with the headquarter is directly and without any external interference, so virtually no security risk is involved.
Special internet browsing - is another extremely powerfull tool which allows the users from very remote areas where absolutely no uplink facility is available, to browse over the Internet without ANY UPLINK, and once again, using extremely unexpensive equipment. How is this working: we transmit over the satellite the content of a hundred Internet sites and the user will be able to receive only the ones he like. Of course, a prior selection of the sites is required.
Video on demand - it is made in a manner somehow alike to the Satellite TV, we transmit over the satellite and only those who have the key will be able to watch the streaming.
Email off-line - it’s a very usefull tools for the remote areas with very weak Internet uplink facilities. The emails are received via satellite without any Internet link.
Advertisment displaying - it’s a completely new vision on advertising. Inside the big supermarkets or on the edge of the railroads we can see big billboards. We attach to each of them a computer equipment with a small satellite dish just for receiving. We then send over the satellite the advertisments in AVI or MPG format together with a text file which represents the scheduling of that advertisment. Once the files are received the advertisment on the billboards change and start displaying according to the schedule we made. It is the most convenient and easy to control solution in the advertising campaign.
